Please include the name of the location and address. If your team meets in multiple locations, list them all. This is important to ensuring proper insurance coverage.
What day(s) and time(s) do you meet to practice Lightspeed Saber?
Please supply all social media and web links you have, listing the most important or primary links first. The first link given will be assumed to be your main platform and mode of contact.
If this team engages in other related activities, ie you are a traditional fencing school, or your team practices another lightsaber-based system at other times, please list those activities here.
Please list all club officers and/or roles, including their full names and positions. If you have more than four, select four for complimentary individual membership and mark them with an asterisk.
Please list all members of your squadron. A member is roughly defined as someone who does any of the following: a) pays club dues b) has acquired their own equipment since joining, c) has an attendance of at least 25%, d) is an officer, or e) has some other role in the team.
If any members are aged 50 or above, please mark them with an asterisk(*). If any members are aged 17 or under, please mark them with a hashtag(#).