Once a year, Lightspeed convenes to determine its newest champions. In our open competition system, technically anyone can possibly qualify to make it to the top of the tournament!

As of 2023, the title was renamed to North American Champion with the addition of competitors from Canada.

In 2024, the Weapon Master title was created to honor the best overall fencer in all weapon categories.


Our National Rankings ladder keeps track of tournament points and rankings for our mixed gender competitions.


Each competitor has a grade, based on their skill level. New competitors start at the grade of U (untested) and work their way up (the next grades being E, then D, then C, etc). Grades are earned by placing highly in a tournament. The higher the overall grade of the competitors in the tournament, the higher the grades that can be won.

Grades must be re-earned or upgraded periodically. If they are not, then the competitor falls to the grade below.

In addition to grades, every fencer can earn competition points in a tournament tournament, depending on their performance in that tournament. Competition points are used to assign a fencers’ placement within their rank.

Like grades, competition points must be refreshed regularly. Only the most recent year’s worth of points are valid.

Only competitors with a current Lightspeed Saber League membership may earn any grade above a D.